More Anomalies is the Standard Model
Solar Eclipse
As the sun is said to be very distant, light rays from the sun are considered parallel. As the moon is 2,000 miles across, the umbra of a solar eclipse should be 2,000 miles across, instead of the ninety miles or so that we actually see. The penumbra should be almost non-existent.
Rocketry and Heat
There are a few pictures on the net of heat damage to the space shuttles. The heat shield of the shuttle is made of high temperature ceramic material and was damaged severely by 3,000 mph flight. Heat damage is exponentially related to speed, so tripling the speed will increase heat damage by a factor of nine.
The official narrative makes a major show of the rocket launch. Up it goes,
if (success){
leaning East it flattens out and disappears over the ocean. Screens show acceleration to 1,500 mph or so, it drops the main booster, up to 3,500, drops the second booster, and the camera cuts to the lounge.
Okay, now we're left with just the final stage rocket which is going to now accelerate to orbital velocity. Energy is proportional to the square of the velocity, so it's going to take 90 times as much energy to reach 28,000 mph as it took to reach 3,500 mph.
Do you see the technology gap here? Where does it get enough fuel and enough reaction mass to project a ton of metal to the edge of the atmosphere? It's actually worse because damping from air drag and resultant heat transfer are also exponentially related to speed.
If we can fly spaceships at 20,000 plus miles per hour, why are our intercontinental missiles so slow? Hypersonic missiles are very recent technology in the military industry, and 8,000 mph is currently just a dream.
We know it's true because NASA says so, but they don't fully explain the Buck Rogers sized energy gap between their Delorean and the future. They don't explain how they accelerate ejecta to 28,000 plus mph (or bridge the energy gap with slower ejecta), or why their rocket tubes don't just melt.
Perhaps the most famous rocket scientist of all time was Wehrner von Braun, one of NASA's founding members. His simple headstone quotes Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.". A curious quote from a rocket scientist yes?
The South Pole
Did you know we have two South magnetic poles? The official one is East of Australia, the other, called the South Atlantic Anomaly is Southeast from Brazil. I always thought a regular compass would just work backwards down under, but no. If you go to Australia, you have to buy a special Aussie compass or you'll get very lost.
The Moon
The moon presents for us only a single face we are told, because it is in a "phase locked orbit".
Sometimes it turns so the moon face is upside down.
Stars may be seen through the darkened part of the moon's disc. This is shown in photographs by the Royal Society Astronomical Journal, and caused quite a furore in the late 1920's.
At the risk of being labeled a lunatic by your friends, you may find it interesting just to look at the moon when you are out for an evening stroll. Sometimes I see clouds pass behind the moon. The first few times I saw this, I tried to imagine other explanations. Semitransparent clouds whited out by the moon's light? But no. Dense clouds layered under the moon.
Moonlight spoils medicines and vegetables. The gypsies say it is very bad to view the moon through glass.
The spectral properties of the moon are inconsistent with the story of reflected sunlight.
If the moon was ball shaped, light would diminish toward the edges as the reflection half-angle gets steeper. We do not see this. The moon is uniformly lit across its face. It is not a ball and it is not solid.
As the sun sinks slowly in the West, it moves below the horizon and the last rays of the sunset must make sunbeams on your ceiling.
Have you ever seen sunbeams on your ceiling? I have asked this question of several people and they assure me that yes, it happens all the time. Yet none have risen to my challenge and sent a photograph.
We don't see sunbeams on the ceiling because the sun remains overhead in the firmament and the Earth is not a ball.
Mercury is said to be smaller than our moon, yet can be seen with the naked eye. At closest approach, this would be a distance of eighty million miles. On the far side of the sun, where we can see reflected light, the distance would be more than a hundred million miles. But at that distance the disk would be fractions of an arc-second and we would not be able to see it with a good telescope, let alone the naked eye.
Distant Ships
Navy guys say they routinely target ships at distances of 20-25 miles. Ships are seen with night vision IR systems. Targeting "paints" a ship with a reference beam, a line of sight technology.
HAM Radio
Dx'ers communicate from the States with stations in South America and Australia. BBC's maiden broadcast (late twenties?) was heard in Arlington, and in Hawaii.
We are taught that our signal reflects down from the ionosphere, up from the mountain ranges and down again and that the Schumann cavity is a perfect spherical capacitor.
So of course, you would build a perfect antenna if it was made from rock, dirt and vegetation strewn over an uneven surface. What? You wouldn't build an antenna like that? Me neither. Now if we were talking about a wideband anechoic chamber...
Proponents of the standard model when so pinned down will declare that there are always lakes and bodies of water. And the roof of a car parked in Tijuana. But now they are describing a very sparse mirror.
According to the standard model, Over the Horizon Radar is based on twisty bendy radio waves, and they even have equations for it.
Hawaii is halfway around the "planet" from London England. So the signal reflected off the ionosphere, the Atlantic, ionosphere again, the praries, inosphere, pacific, ionosphere, and we can hear BBC on Kona mountain. Suuuuure.
East West Air Travel
A number of early twentieth century entrepreneurs sought to reduce the cost of air travel to the colonies. Their plan was to ascend a balloon to the upper atmosphere, wait four hours as the Earth turned underneath and come back down in America.
As the Earth is turning in an eastward direction with a surface speed of seven hundred miles per hour in Northern latitudes, Westward flights should take much less time than Eastward flights of the same distance.
The classical model astro-turfs the world with velcro, so our atmosphere and our frame of reference stick to the ground (except the jet stream which has air miles and can do 1,000 mph if it wants to). There is no way to actually detect any motion, Michelson couldn't and we have no instruments that could discern even the diurnal acceleration in our rotating frame of reference. I guess that's convenient for the rocket launch guys because they get the first 1,000 miles per hour for free if they launch Eastward near the equator. Only 27,000 to go.